Monday, March 26, 2012

Almost Forgot

Eeesh, only a week in and I'm already slowing down. Not that I planned on posting everyday...maybe 2-3 times a week. I was actually off today and while I didn't spend it being quite as productive as planned it was definitely a great day. I'll start off with my usual food rave for the day:

I bought the most recent Living Social (which, if you haven't looked into, is totally awesome) for Chat-a-Way Cafe and it was delicious...granted, the food we ate from there was super unhealthy so I wouldn't recommend for more than maybe once a week (or if you have more resolve than I do, once a month). But nonetheless a quick google search and I found both awesome recipes to try out on your cheat day:
Awesome mac and cheese
and to go with it, Cajun Turkey Tenderloin from Sam's's 1.5 pounds of turkey vacuum sealed with some pretty spicy cajun butter mix--bake for 30 minutes at 350.
And that's veggies!! We have so many here to choose from right now but the meal seemed so calorie heavy and rich we decided to skip it.

Next up, happy picturessssssssss

just a pile of puppies...

I forgot to time myself so I'll give this guy 9 more minutes...what's next. News!
I pretty much only watched HLN today as far as any exposure goes, and it was with Robin Meade in the mornings- who's pretty light on serious news...but I did get some more exposure to the flour bombing of Kim Kardashian...I've actually got nothing against that family, the really took advantage of how goobery America's obsession with absolutely nothing of importance is. Good for them, granted they could probably be slightly more philanthropic with their time to each their own. Don't like it? Don't watch it..

THREE M'S Update:
-Myself- I'm starting to come back around to my old self again...this transition into a new job was a bit rough. And I'm definitely still adjusting but I think it's getting better. But enough about work, I'm trying my best to keep that out of this blog. I'm totally loving the studio fitness classes...I only have 5 left (thanks to Groupon, which I also adore) so after that I'll start my World Gym (another groupon buy) membership!! yay getting in shape!!!
-Monster- I love this little guy!!! He's due to get shaved down soon and I'm so scared about his hair! but I guess I won't worry about his looks, I just want him to be comfy...1 minute!
-Michael- we ran again today! it's really fun...and we shaved a whole minute off our mile <3 He got sunburned Sunday from paintball and was pretty sore too so I'm pretty proud that he stuck it out as far as he did :) He's still banging away at his dissertation as usual but we're also making fair work of watching all the Netflix episodes of Saved by the Bell!!

till next time

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 2!

Whoo hoo! I made it to the next day and remembered this guy (aka...this blog). As you can imagine, nothing has happend since yesterday, but again, since this blog is partly to delve down the rabbit hole of my interests and inner monologue I'm sure I'll have plenty to fill the 20 minute gap with!

Let's get started with recipes!! My fave! I've been into what I call "garbage" pasta/casserole/salad for a long time...and regardless of the name, I'm sure most of you are too. It's a freeforall-cleanout the fridge/pantry-whateveryourheartdesires kind of dish. And I finally came across a formula a few years back that put it very simply...are you ready? here it is:
-1lb or 2-3 servings of a protein (for salads: fish, tofu, tuna, chicken are great and you only need one serving)
-1lb or 2-3 servings of TWO or THREE kinds of veggies (again salad rule is diff. just one serving)
-1 serving of starch...if it's casserole, I usually build the base with this so it gets fully cooked so line the bottom of your dish with rice/potatoes/pasta (salads for me generally don't even have a starch).
tada! so easy...granted, I've had quite a few misses with this because of clashing tastes and flavors but I'd say 85% of the time it's perfect and gets rid of everything that's about to go bad..

Moving on!
this is currently my background on my makes me so happy

love it...7 minutes left

I haven't had a chance to catch any current news's early and my brain is moving rather slow because of the horrible rain.

I worked out at Studio Fitness yesterday and did a Quicktone literally hurt to talk on the phone because the phone was THAT heavy...yes, I'm weak! But I'm working on fixing that.

ok, ultra speedy catch-up on the fam:
Monster: cute as ever...I've been taking him to the new dog park at Medal of Honor Park and he's been AMAZING. I usually just let him run around with Elvis in the big dog cage and he loves it...he frolics around like he's not 4 pounds and doesn't take crap from any of the big dogs...makes me so proud! I need to figure out a solution to his hair loss (brought on by aforementioned thyroid disease) because summer is coming up and I can't let him swelter in the heat.
Michael: Doing well, closing in on his dissertation and writing...super proud of him as well. He's lately gotten into extracurricular sci-fi tv watching (yay!) and playing incredibly contrasting music with his friend Cole...both of which make for a very busy guy. this is on top of his late night programming sesh with andrew and boxing/raquetball with keith.
Myself: ran out of time....heyyy ooooo...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First post

Wellp, today I started a blog. I don't really have anything riveting going on BUT, I do link/like a lot of stuff, and do things that I'd love to reminisce (props to me for spelling that right on the first try!) on later...and in this techy day and age this seems like the best way to go about it.

I don't know how private I'll make this, but I will give a brief update on myself...for memory sake at least.
I'm Rebecca McBride, 28, degree in biology/chemistry, live with my boyfriend Michael who's a Ph.D. student, dog Monster who is a mini-pomeranian (and superior to most humans) and do field work for an environmental scientific firm on the Gulf Coast.

My general goals of this blog are bookmarking:
- recipes
-reddit pictures that I love
-relevant news of the time
-general feelings about whatnot
and as the blog title suggests updates on:
-Michael (as much as he'd allow on the internet at least)
-Monster- my glorious dog! (these will be lengthy and in depth...since we all know that's why I'm really writing this)

So! let's get started...I only have 9 minutes (I set a personal goal of at least 20 minutes at a time to blog) left to link...
My staple lately has been lots of veggies:
this sauce is my go-to for just about every steak/pork/soy dish we cook and it's so fast and easy.

cute reddit picture (6 minutes left!):

relevant news....much to the chagrin of many of my real life/facebook friends, I will be voting for Obama again...I just can't get over how much socialized healthcare is necessary...for myself (who's broke) and people like my dad who have chronic diseases.. 3 minutes!

Myself: I've been trying to get back into running...that should hopefully pick up soon,
Michael: We went on our first jog together yesterday and it was awesome! we have very different running styles but it somehow magically worked in a way that kept us both on excited to see how that turns out
Monster: last but not least, (I'm -1 minute in so this will not get due attention) He's a happy healthy guy, sadly he's got thyroid disease but it's in the low normal range so hopefully we can maintain it without having to take drastic measures! so long next time!!